James Milliken - Sakandelidze-Qorqia
MIN Time on court FT Free throws
2P 2 point shots 3P 3 point shots
A Attempts M Made
% Accuracy percentage REB Rebounds
O Offensive rebounds D Deffensive rebounds
T Total rebounds AS Assists
PF Personal fouls CM Commited fouls
RV Recieved fouls TO Turnovers
ST Steals BL Blocked shots
FV In fawor AG Against
EFF Effectiveness +/- Shows score difference change between teams when player was one court
PTS Points scored
MIN Time on court
FT Free throws
2P 2 point shots
3P 3 point shots
A Attempts
M Made
% Accuracy percentage
REB Rebounds
O Offensive rebounds
D Deffensive rebounds
T Total rebounds
AS Assists
PF Personal fouls
CM Commited fouls
RV Recieved fouls
TO Turnovers
ST Steals
BL Blocked shots
FV In fawor
AG Against
EFF Effectiveness
+/- Shows score difference change between teams when player was one court
PTS Points scored
Player home
TSU-HYUNDAI | #23 | Guard
195 cm
Age: 32 (1993-02-07)
Citizenship: US
Points Rebounds Assists Efficiency +/-
Average 16.0 3.3 4.0 19.3 13.0
Ranking # 8 44 14 10 2
Last 6 games PTS REB AS BL EFF
2019-02-08 at Delta 17 6 3 0 16
2019-02-06 vs KUT 23 2 3 0 23
2019-02-05 at CCT 22 2 7 0 34
2019-02-04 at Olimpi 2 3 3 0 4
Season performance graph
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